Lesson 23:Exceptions to the rule of إِدْغَام(merging)
There are 3 Exceptions to the rule
of إِدْغَام(merging)
1-The first exception: The Idghaam of the Noon Saakinah and Tanween can only occur
between two words. If there is a Noon Saakinah
in the middle of a word followed by one of the Idghaam letters, there is no
merging, instead the Noon is
pronounced clearly with Ith-har
This is called: (absolute clearness) إِظْهَار مُطْلَق
In the Glorious Qur’an this
only occurs with the Noon Saakinah
followed by a Yaaي or
a Wawو
and in only four words.
قِنْوَانٌ , صِنْوَانٌ ,
بُنْيَانٌ , الدُّنْيَا
2-The second
exceptionin the reading of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim
by the way of Shatabiyyah, does not make إِدْغَامin
these two examples
The next two examples involve the
individual separate letters that start some different Surahs. These
letters are read as if each letter is written out,
for example in surah Al-Qalam,
ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا يَسْطُرُونَ
first letter Noon نون,
is recited just as you would read the word: نون. This wordنون ends with a Noon Saakinah. If we were to join this individual
letter, recited as the word نون with the next following word,
We notice that the next word والقلمstarts with a Waw و.
In this case, however, Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim by the way of Shatabiyyah, does not make
an Idgaam, but instead recites the Noon Saakinah clearly, then recites the
next word. It is preferred and most common, to stop on the end of the
individual letter نون,
but continuing is allowed.
The same things said about this example can be
said about the Noon Saakinah at the
end of the individual separate letter سين in the first two Ayaat of surah Ya-Seen:
. يس (1)
وَالْقُرْآَنِ الْحَكِيمِ (2)
The second separate letter of the
first Aayah is the letter سين which
ends with a Noon Saakinah. The
first word of the second Aayah وَالْقُرْآَنِstarts
with the letter Waw و . If
we were to join the first and second aayah together, there would be a Noon Saakinah (the last letter of the word
سين meeting with the
letter و. but as above Hafs ‘An ‘Aasim by the
way of Shatibiyyah, does not make an Idghaam when joining these two Aayaat
together; instead the Noon Saakinah
of the word سين is recited
clearly (This is called:إِظْهَار رِوَايَة
وَ قِيلَ مَنْ
3-The third
exceptionis in Aayah
27 of surah Al-Qiyaamah: .
The second word of this Aayah مَن ends with a Noon Saakinah, and the first letter of the next word is a Raa. Under normal circumstances, there
would beادغام بغير غنة ,or
an Idghaam without a Ghunnah,
. In this
aayah though, there is a brief breathless pause, known in Arabic as a سكتbetween
the word من,
and the next word:راق. This short
pause without a breath prevents the Noon Saakinah
of the word من from
meeting with the ر of
the following word, راق. There is therefore, no Idgaam ادغام, or merging, of the Noon Saakinah with the ر here.
The Sakt سَكْت sign in Ayah 27 of Soorat Al-Qiyaamah preventthe merging إدْغَام
These are the exceptions to the
idghaam rule for the Noon Saakinah
and Tanween.
Next will be the Sakt سكت lesson Inshaa Allah
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