Mistakes in Tajweed:
The scholars have divided the types of mistakes one might fall into when reciting the Quran into two types:
1. Clear mistakes[ Lahn Jalee ]
2. Unobvious (hidden) mistakes [ Lahn Khafee ].
1. Clear mistakes[ Lahn Jalee ]
Means that the error is clear and obvious like the sun.
Lahn Jalee is haraam and to do so intentionally can plunge into the act of a major Sin, so much that it can lead one to the brink of kufr.
2. Unobvious (hidden) mistakes [ Lahn Khafee ].
Means hidden error. For instance,this refers to errors, which may
Reading the Qur'an whilst being guilty of Lahn Khafee is makrooh
(undesirable, not commendable).
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