Madd ‘Aridh Li-Ssukoon
المد العارض للسكون
Madd Aridh Li-Ssukoon means “temporary Madd for
stopping ”.
This Madd occurs
When a Madd Tabee’ee is
followed by a letter at the end of a word, which has been
made Saakin temporarily because the reader has to
stop at the word, the reader
should prolong the Madd Tabee’ee to be Madd Aridh
Its timing
Madd Aridh Li-Ssukoon can be prolonged 2,4 or 6
For the sake of simplicity, we will prolong it 4
This Madd only exists if the reader stops on that word. If the
reader does not stop on it, it should be considered
as a Madd Tabee’ee
(2 beats).
the next lesson In shaa' Allah will be
Madd Al-leen
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